Home > Star Fox on Wii U Will Feature Motion and Analog Controls

The long awaited entry in the Star Fox franchise is coming later this year, and there is supposedly going to be two different types of control, motion control and analog stick control. As stated in the latest magazine of Game Informer, "Fox will be able to fly his Arwing and seamlessly transform into a tank during certain sequences. Pilots can control the game either with their GamePad's analog sticks or motion control." Let's hope this is true and that Star Fox U isn't too far off from now!

About the Author:
Kevin M
Kevin M. joined the Nintendo Castle team in 2015, mainly wanting to spread the word out about the latest Nintendo news. He plays many different genres of games, but mostly plays games on Nintendo systems. Kevin can mainly be found searching all around the Internet to find everything going on, as well as the release dates of games to keep himself updated.