Home > Big John Games Reveals Targeted Date for Cube Creator 3D

Indie studio Big John Games has revealed the targeted release date for their 3DS Minecraft-like game, Cube Creator 3D. The studio yesterday revealed on their Twitter page that they are targeting a release of Cube Creator 3D on Thursday, April 23. The release date could be changed in the next few days, but they are hoping to release it on that day! The game features a survival mode to fight, explore, and create what they want to! While the game is still not out yet, you can still go to the Nintendo eShop now and download the Cube Creator 3D demo. You can watch the trailer for Cube Creator 3D after the break.
About the Author:
Kevin M
Kevin M. joined the Nintendo Castle team in 2015, mainly wanting to spread the word out about the latest Nintendo news. He plays many different genres of games, but mostly plays games on Nintendo systems. Kevin can mainly be found searching all around the Internet to find everything going on, as well as the release dates of games to keep himself updated.