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Splatoon Adds New Map, Weapon, and Mode

Home > Splatoon Adds New Map, Weapon, and Mode

Nintendo has already revealed in the past that Splatoon would be getting post-launch DLC added onto the game. In their Nintendo Direct Micro yesterday, Nintendo revealed that the first DLC would be launched later that night at 7PM PT. The update included the new weapon, the N-Zap ‘85, the first new map for multiplayer, Port Mackerel, and the unlocking of the multiplayer mode, Ranked Battle, starting off with Splat Zones. For those that don’t know, Splat Zones is the mode where two teams fight for a certain zone of the map. You can check out some previews of the new weapon and the new map after the break.


About the Author: Kevin M

Kevin M. joined the Nintendo Castle team in 2015, mainly wanting to spread the word out about the latest Nintendo news. He plays many different genres of games, but mostly plays games on Nintendo systems. Kevin can mainly be found searching all around the Internet to find everything going on, as well as the release dates of games to keep himself updated.
