Home > Splatoon Update Coming Out Next Week

Splatoon will be receiving its first sort of balance patch, like Smash Bros, soon. The update will be coming out before the first North American Splatfest that is on next Saturday, July 4, so there can be balance fixes and fixes to Splatfest as well for the big event. You can check after the break for update notes on Splatoon's 1.3.0 update, releasing July 1 in Japan and June 30 in North America. Will you be playing at Splatfest?
Information: On June 30, 2015, new update data for the Splatoon game will be available for download. Users will be required to download this update prior to using the software's online multiplayer features.
Update details:
Splatfest: When there are more members on one team than the other and the match-making process takes too long, members from the same team will be able to battle each other
-Members will still receive Splatfest Points even when they battle against members of the same team
-Note: Only the results from matches against the opposing team will be included in the overall Splatfest results
Adjustments have been made to allow some players at random to participate as early as 5 minutes prior to the official start time of Splatfest in order to make for a more pleasant gaming experience (Note: All players will be able to participate once the event begins)
-This adjustment was made to lighten the server load at the beginning of the Splatfest
Adjustments have been made to the number of Super Sea Snails distributed to members of the losing team that have earned either of the top two Splatfest rank titles
Special Weapon Adjustments:
Inkstrike: The amount of area covered will be more consistent regardless of where it lands
Kraken: The amount of knockback is increased when taking damage from an opponent while using Kraken
Ability Adjustments:
Ninja Squid: Swim speed will be lowered when using this ability
Stealth Jump: The amount of time it takes to Super Jump will be longer when using this ability
Ink Resistance Up: The effects with respect to the amount of damage and speed when moving through enemy ink will be adjusted
Other: Other adjustments will be made to make for a more pleasant gaming experience
About the Author:
Kevin M
Kevin M. joined the Nintendo Castle team in 2015, mainly wanting to spread the word out about the latest Nintendo news. He plays many different genres of games, but mostly plays games on Nintendo systems. Kevin can mainly be found searching all around the Internet to find everything going on, as well as the release dates of games to keep himself updated.