Home > Two New Weapons Releasing in Splatoon Tonight

Splatoon has had many new maps added recently, and many new weapons, as well as new modes. Now, two more new weapons are arriving later tonight! They are the N-ZAP '89, and the Octobrush. The N-ZAP '89 includes Sprinkler as the sub-weapon, and Inkstrike as the special weapon, while the Octobrush is a new brush that comes with Squid Beacons as the sub-weapon, and Kraken as its special weapon. These two new weapons will be arriving tonight at 7PM PT (10PM EST). Are you excited for these new weapons? You can check out some images of these new weapons after the break.

About the Author:
Kevin M
Kevin M. joined the Nintendo Castle team in 2015, mainly wanting to spread the word out about the latest Nintendo news. He plays many different genres of games, but mostly plays games on Nintendo systems. Kevin can mainly be found searching all around the Internet to find everything going on, as well as the release dates of games to keep himself updated.