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Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Star Pieces - TTYD Star Pieces Guide

Home > Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door > Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Star Pieces - TTYD Star Pieces Guide

In Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door there are a total of 100 Star Pieces that can be found hidden throughout the game. Unlike the other collectibles in the game which are often out in the open or found in chests, Star Pieces are usually hidden behind other objects or in non-obvious areas. Some require special abilities to find, most notable those that are hidden under loose floor panels that require the spin jump (ground pound) ability.

Star Pieces can be used as a currency at Dazzle's shop in the Rogueport Sewers. They can be used to purchase a selection of badges. There are a total of 100 Star Pieces to be found and you'll need to collect them all to get all the badges from Dazzle.

Note: this guide is currently under construction.

Prologue Star Pieces

Star Piece #1

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

Behind the crates and barrels on the east side of Rogueport Square.

Star Piece #2

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In East Rogueport, there is a brick will as soon as you enter. If you approach it you'll find there's an opening in the center that leads to a back alley. Around the corner on some crates you can jump up and find a star piece.

Star Piece #3

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In Rogueport Sewers on sublevel three, there is a room with a giant yellow block against a wall to the left. Check behind it to find this star piece.

Star Piece #4

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In Rogueport Square, visit the Inn and head upstairs. Take the door to the left onto the rooftops and jump up on the pink roof. Head all the way left and down the reverse slope to find this star piece.

Star Piece #5

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

Head behind the buildings in Rogueport Square via the main opening. Check out the Bandit's Hideout house all the way to the left and you can find this star piece behind a trash can.

Star Piece #6

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In Rogueport Sewers sublevel one, you can find this star piece behind the pillar that is behind Dazzle.

Chapter 1 Star Pieces

Star Piece #7

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

When you arrive in Petal Meadows from the gray pipe, whack the tree to the left to find a star piece.

Star Piece #8

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

After whacking the switch that repairs the bridge in Petal Meadows, continue along these background hills to the right to find this star piece.

Star Piece #9

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

On the Path to Shhwonk Fortress, you can whack the first bush you see between two trees to find this star piece.

Star Piece #10

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In Hooktail Castle First Floor there is a large room on the bottom floor with yellow and purple switches that control some blocks. Hit the purple switch once to lower the block. You'll then need to charge Koops's shell spin and have Mario jump on the purple block before having Koops hit the switch. This will lead Mario to a little balcony where you can find this star piece.

Star Piece #11

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In the same room as Star Piece #10 in Hooktail Castle First Floor, you'll now want to lower both the purple and yellow blocks and break the block that blocks the yellow one from moving. You can then stand on the yellow block with Mario while Koops charges his spin attack on the yellow switch. This will allow you to reach a ledge where you'll find this star piece.

Star Piece #12

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

On the second floor of Hooktail Castle, there is a room where you need to hit two blue switches to cross a long walkway. You then need to hop outside a window and if you head right instead of left you can find this star piece.

Star Piece #13

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

On the third floor of Hooktail Castle there is a room where a large yellow block lift you to a narrow ledge. Cross over the plane panel to the far narrow ledge and take it all the way to the right to find this star piece.

Star Piece #14

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

This star piece can be found behind a barrel in the back section of Rogueport East. To reach it, you must pay or defeat Gus who is blocking the entrance to the eastern section. You'll also need to have the paper mode ability learned in Hooktail Castle to squeeze between the buildings to get to the area.

Star Piece #15

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

This star piece can be found behind the staircase in the Pit of 100 Trials room in Rogueport Sewers. You'll need the paper mode ability to reach the room on the left side of the Thousand Year Door room.

Star Piece #16

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

This star piece can be found hidden behind the brick wall as soon as you enter West Rogueport.

Star Piece #17

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

You can find this star piece behind the tall green pipe near the fountain in West Rogueport.

Star Piece #18

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

Head all the way to the left in West Rogueport and you can find this star piece behind a gray trash can.

Star Piece #19

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

Enter Rogueport Sewers from West Rogueport and jump down and check behind the platform you initially landed on to find this star piece.

Star Piece #20

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

This star piece can be found behind a pillar in the Underground City, accessible by dropping down into the sewers from West Rogueport.

Chapter 2 Star Pieces

Star Piece #21

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

One screen to the right of The Great Tree in Boggly Woods, there is a ledge in the background with a blue switch. Use the hidden staircase to the right to reach this ledge and continue all the way to the left on it to find this star piece.

Star Piece #22

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In the Boggly Woods you can whack the third tree from the left in the area with Flurrie's house in the background to find this star piece.

Star Piece #23

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In the area in front of Flurrie's house in Boggly Woods you can look behind the fence to the left of the gray pipe to find this star piece.

Star Piece #24

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

On sublevel two of the Great Tree there is a room with a narrow winding path. Drop down and whack the bush closest to the save block to find this star piece.

Star Piece #25

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

On sublevel two of the Great Tree, there is a room with a large stump in the middle that you reach shortly after freeing all of the Punies. Check behind the long pipe here to find this star piece.

Star Piece #26

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

On sublevel two of the Great Tree, head down the pipe to the right after the Punies get trapped in a cage. You can find this star piece behind the long pipe on the ground down here.

Star Piece #27

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

During the escape sequence in the Great Tree, you'll follow Lord Crunk into a small room via a pipe that he makes appear. After being ambushed by some X-Nauts, whack the bush to your left to find this star piece.

Star Piece #28

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

On the second floor of the Great Tree there is a room with a 10 Puni pedestal. To the right of this is a loose floor panel that you can ground pound to find this star piece.

Star Piece #29

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

On the fourth floor of the Great Tree is a jail cell room with a red and blue cell. Inside the blue cell you can ground pound a loose panel near the center to find this star piece.

Star Piece #30

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

On sublevel three of Rogueport Sewers there is small hidden room that leads to the Boggly Woods. Ground pound to the left of the pipe in this room to find this star piece.

Star Piece #31

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

On sublevel three of Rogueport Sewers visit the room to the far east where you were first cursed by the black chest with the paper airplane ability. Ground pound in front of the chest to find this star piece.

Star Piece #32

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

On sublevel one of Rogueport Sewers just below East Rogueport, you can ground pound between the staircases under the moving platform to find this star piece.

Star Piece #33

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

Ground pound the loose panel in front of Professor Frankly's house in East Rogueport to find this star piece.

Star Piece #34

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In the Rogueport central plaza you can ground pound in front of the gallows to find this star piece in a floor panel.

Star Piece #35

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

You can ground pound to the left of the bottom of the staircase in the Rogueport docks to find this star piece in a floor panel.

Star Piece #36

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In the back alley of Rogueport, head to the right near McGoomba. Ground pound behind him to reveal a hidden floor panel and find this star piece.

Star Piece #37

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In West Rogueport, perform a ground pound in front of the Pianta Parlor to find this star piece in a hidden floor panel.

Star Piece #38

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In West Rogueport, head to the train station and head left along the train until you reach an orange toadette. Ground pound to the left of her to find this star piece in a hidden floor panel.

Star Piece #39

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In the Underground City area of the sewers, enter the bar building on the left side of the upper area. Ground pound near the table here to find this star piece in a hidden floor panel.

Star Piece #40

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

On sublevel three of the sewers in the Thousand Year Door room, ground pound in the front center of the room to find this star piece in a floor panel.

Star Piece #41

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

You can find this star piece in Flurrie's house on the far east side of Boggly Woods. Ground pound in front of the vanity in her room to find it in a hidden floor panel.

Star Piece #42

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In Petalburg, check out the grassy area on the far east side of town but north of the river. You can ground pound in the grass here to find this star piece in a hidden floor panel.

Star Piece #43

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In Petalburg, check out the grassy area to the south of the river on the west side of town. Ground pound near the flower bulb character to find this star piece in a hidden floor panel.

Star Piece #44

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

On the first floor of Hooktail Castle, there is a room with many sets of jail bars and dull bones lining the ground. Slip through the first set of jail bars you can using your paper mode ability and ground pound the floor to the left. You'll find this star piece in a hidden floor panel.

Star Piece #45

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

After getting the Blimp Ticket from Don Pianta, you can ride the blimp to reach Glitzville. Before you get in the pipe taking you to the blimp, head to the right and ground pound between two light poles. Here you'll find a star piece hidden in a floor panel.

Chapter 3 Star Pieces

Star Piece #46

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In Glitzville, you can ground pound in front of the large blimp landing hexagon in the central square to find this star piece in a hidden floor panel.

Star Piece #47

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

On the west side of Glitzville there is a phone booth to the south of the Souvenir Shop. Check behind the phone booth to find this star piece.

Star Piece #48

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

On the east side of Glitzville there is a large blue switch you can activate with a ground pound. This creates a staircase to the top of the juice shop. You can find this star piece under a square sign on the roof. Use Koops's shell spin to grab it.

Star Piece #49

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

You can find this star piece behind the counter of the Juice Shop in east Glitzville.

Star Piece #50

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

You can find this star piece behind a shrub to the right of the staircase leading up to the Glitz Pit in Glitzville.

Star Piece #51

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In the lobby of the Glitz Pit you can ground pound in front of the bob-omb side on the left side to find this star piece in a hidden floor panel.

Star Piece #52

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In the storage room in the Glitz Pit you can ground pound in the center of the first floor to find this star piece in a hidden floor panel.

Star Piece #53

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

After getting the second Storage Key, head to the attic of the Glitz Pit via the storage room. After destroying the large yellow block covering Bandy Andy and King K., check behind the stack of three wooden crates to find this star piece.

Star Piece #54

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

This star piece can be found behind the plant on the left side of Grubba's office in the Glitz Pit.

Star Piece #55

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

This star piece can be found in the right desk drawer in Grubba's office in the Glitz Pit.

Star Piece #56

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

In East Rogueport there is an area to the far east with crates leading up to some rooftops. Use Yoshi's flutter jump just south of the bridge to reach this area. Climb up on the roofs using the crates and do a ground jump on the first roof. This will reveal a star piece hidden in a floor panel.

Star Piece #57

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

You can find this star piece behind a chimney on the second roof of East Rogueport. It's accessible again via the crates to the far east and Yoshi's flutter jump.

Star Piece #58

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Star Piece

Once you have Yoshi, enter the sewers from the grate in West Rogueport. Use Yoshi's flutter jump to reach a platform to the left where you'll find a green pipe. Enter it to reach the background and complete the small platforming section. At the end of it to the right you'll find this star piece.

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