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Nintendo Castle Staff


Pocodudeface Avatar Rial Johnson

Alias: Pocodudeface
Contact: webmaster [at] nintendocastle [dot] com
About: Rial (Pocodudeface) founded Nintendo Castle with fellow staff member Iamthefusedshadows in February of 2011. He serves as the content manager of both Nintendo Castle and Pokeball Insider. You'll often see him writing, editing, and publishing news, guides, walkthroughs, reviews, and other content for the two sites. He also manages site relations and the social media accounts. In 2014, he and Autydi founded the Concealed Gaming Network.

Autydi Avatar Austin Dickson

Alias: Autydi
Contact: webmaster [at] linkshideaway [dot] com
About: Austin (Autydi) founded Link's Hideaway in 2008 and joined the Nintendo Castle staff as a webmaster in 2013. He serves as the primary developer for every site in the Concealed Gaming Network. Most of his time is spent creating and improving the Content Management System. He is always looking for ways to improve and add features to the sites. Autydi also manages most network business and occasionally writes content.


Larke12 Avatar Ryan H.

Alias: Larke12
Contact: larke12 [at] linkshideaway [dot] com
About: Ryan (Larke12) joined the Nintendo Castle staff in 2012 after working at Link's Hideaway. He has served many roles throughout the years and completed projects such as designing Versions 4 and 5 of the site, hosting the podcast, and managing social media. He currently serves in a consulting capacity and does backend code review.

Komodo_Zero Avatar Jonathan N.

Alias: Komodo_Zero
Contact: komodo.r.zero [at] gmail [dot] com
About: Jonathan (Komodo_Zero) joined in 2013 to help create and manage the forums. Since then, he has served as both the graphic design lead and a content creator. He has authored guides, reviews, and articles: many of which are music related. If you see a fancy-looking graphic on Nintendo Castle or Pokeball Insider: you likely have him to thank. He currently writes reviews for all sites in our network.

Fused Avatar Collin W.

Alias: Fused, Iamthefusedshadows
Contact: FusedLP [at] gmail [dot] com
About: Collin joined in 2010 to help with Zelda Castle, and has since rejoined multiple times throughout Nintendo Castle's existence to help in a variety of ways. He now serves as content editor to sites in the Concealed Gaming network, and is responsible for updating, improving, and overhauling content on those sites.


Many people help in meaningful ways to make Nintendo Castle run the way it does. They are listed here, with the specific way they helped/are helping.

  • Beck O. - Many screenshots of the Animal Crossing New Horizons bugs and fish, as well as video footage for our Skyward Sword Guides
  • Laura W. - Reviews and screenshots, notably the Celeste review.

Join the team!

All positions at Nintendo Castle are volunteer-based, so we're always looking for quality news reporters and content writers to join the team! If you'd like to contribute or join the staff, then go ahead and shoot us an email and we'll give you more details!

Contact: webmaster [at] nintendocastle [dot] com

Former Staff and Contributors

Many great people have contributed to Nintendo Castle throughout the years. We're very grateful for all that they did, both through their contributions and the friendship they provided. Here's a list of those former staff members and contributors:

  • Phantom
  • @lexMM
  • Spirittracksmaster
  • LegendOfHyrule31
  • EpicDoug
  • Emhave
  • Link8150
  • Magitroopa
  • Jorge P.