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Super Mario 3D World Stamp Locations > Super Mario 3D World Stamps World 3
Super Mario 3D World - World 3 Stamps
World 3-1 Snowball Park Stamp

Near the end of the level, walk around the large pit in the ice and grab the World 3-1 Stamp to the left.
World 3-2 Chain-Link Charge Stamp

Using a Super Bell, climb up the grate by the clear pipe to grab the World 3-2 Stamp.
World 3-3 Shifty Boo Mansion Stamp

Hop onto the couch near the start of the level and it will lift you up to the World 3-3 Stamp.
World 3-4 Pretty Plaza Panic

Using Peach, hit her switch to left of the spinning platform area and pick up the World 3-4 Stamp.
World 3-5 Pipeline Lagoon Stamp

Swim up by the sunken ship and you'll find a hidden alcove and the World 3-5 Stamp.
World 3-6 Mount Must Dash Stamp

Near the end of the level, use the jump panel and mushroom bounce pads to bounce your way to the World 3-6 Stamp above.
World 3-7 Switchboard Falls Stamp

Take the last section of switchboards all the way to the left and you'll reach the World 3-7 Stamp.
World 3-Train The Bullet Bill Express Stamp

Drop down on the ledge with a Fire Bro before the final pipe and defeat him to find the World 3-Train Stamp in a crevice behind him.
World 3-Tent Stamp

Walk inside to collect the World 3-Tent Stamp.
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