
You'll start The Fall: Part 2 Unbound with the option to choose a Standard or Minimal Combat difficulty. Standard is for those who want the default enemy-destroying experience and minimal is for those who are in it for the plot and puzzles. Pick your poison, but keep in mind that this walkthrough is written for the standard difficulty. You'll also be given the option to get a recap of the first game before you start.

When you gain control of A.R.I.D., make your way to the right using the left stick. Press A when prompted, and you'll now have control of A.R.I.D. and you'll be able to use her flashlight with ZL. Investigate the blue screen by illuminating it with your flashlight and then using the navigation menu. Grab the wire from B2 to the right and then interact with the blue screen again.

You can use the light here just like your flashlight. Place the wire B2 on the wire that is pulsing red to the right. In the next area, you'll get your first objective: "Track the User by following their signal". Head to the right and press ZR to blast open the door, Samus style. You can press B to jump over the gap in the next room. Enter the door to the bottom-right of this room.

In this room, you'll engage in combat for the first time. Use your gun (ZR) to take out the two flying creatures. In the next room, drop down and enter the room to the left. Interact with the computer here and then fight off the flying creatures. Interact with the machine again and read through the notes. Now exit the room to the right.

Jump up and head right. Continue right through this room into the door that is the source of the Home Network. Drop all the way down the platforms and enter the door on the right. Interact with the access point and three larger flying creatures will spawn. Defeat them all and interact with the access point again. You'll get a new objective and take control of a butler's body.
The Butler

Head to the left to get some tea for the master. Interact with the automated cupboard to make some tea. Bring the tea upstairs and to the right to the master. You'll find that he's quite dead. Head down the hallway to the left and apply lipstick to an equally dead mistress. Head back downstairs to the Butler's chambers.

Speak to the Butler and ask him all the possible questions. You'll need to eventually attempt domination and then fight off the enemies that spawn. The Butler will not be stuck in his loop and daily routine. You can skip to the next part of the routine by pressing Y.
Skip until you get to the scene where the Butler applies lipstick to the Mistress. Now, go to the right of the room and use the curtain receiver. The Butler will temporarily leave his body, giving you a chance to use the dumbwaiter on the left side of this room. Let the Butler back in and end this cycle.

Reset the cycle and enter the kitchen to make tea. When the Butler leaves his body while making tea, use the dumbwaiter in the kitchen. This will cause some tea to spill in the Master's room. You've now got your excuse to get into the cleaning closet. Bring your tea to the master and the Butler will agree to go into the cleaning closet. Grab a trash bag here and go out to clean the mess.

Enter the closet again and the Butler will let you scan his mainframe. Ask him some questions here. Restart the cycle until you've once again brought tea to the master. Examine the stain on the carpet and enter the supply closet while the Butler is cleaning the carpet. Grab the scissors from the box here. Allow the butler back in and skip to the next scene.
Draw the curtains and head to the bathroom while the Butler is busy. Use the scissors on the shower curtain here. Restart the Butler's cycle once again. Skip scenes until you've once again brought the master his tea. Examine the carpet stain once again. This time, cover the master's dead body with the opaque shower curtain to emulate the "opaque trash bag" that signifies a trip to the incinerator. The butler will unknowingly toss his master down the trash chute. This seems like the perfect reason to go the basement, but the butler disagrees.

Cycle through again, asking the Butler another question if you wish. Head right towards the stairs into the hall to the right. Inspect the intercom and then use the table to the right to write a note to the Butler. Cycle through until you find yourself back in the Mistress's room. Open the curtains to keep the Butler occupied. Use this time to place the note for the Butler on the table near the Mistress.
Restart the loop and skip scenes until you're once again in the Mistress's chambers. Here the Butler will find a note. Now he'll agree to allow you in the basement, so make your way down the stairs and into the hall to the right. Use the door here and head right down the stairs and continue into the incinerator room.

Head left out of the incinerator room and use the terminal. Execute all terminal functions to disengage with the Butler and exit the access point.
Continue to The One