Animal Crossing New Horizons features a total of 80 bugs that can be caught. Bugs can be caught with any type of net. Most bugs will be scared off if you run near them or miss them with your net, so you'll want to slowly sneak up and aim accurately.
The variety of bugs available on your island depends on a number of factors. They include location, month, time of day, and weather. Some bugs are, of course, rarer than others as well. The rarity of the bug species is usually reflected in their sell price. Note that prices listed are for Nook's shop, and they can be sold at 1.5x this value to Flick.
Bugs can be found in a few different areas and methods around the island. Many spawn on the ground or fly through the air. Some only spawn around flowers or on trees. Some are hidden underground or in treetops. Some only spawn near particular items like trash or rotting fruit. Others only appear in the rain (and many don't appear in the rain). Time of day and time of year also change which bugs will be available on your island.
Want to narrow down this list to the bugs you can catch in the current month?
List of bugs in Animal Crossing New Horizons
Agrias butterfly

Price: 3,000
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): Apr-Sep
Months (Southern): Oct-Mar
Time: 8am-5pm

Price: 80
Location: Rotten Food
Months (Northern): All
Months (Southern): All
Time: Any
Atlas moth

Price: 3,000
Location: On Trees
Months (Northern): Apr-Sep
Months (Southern): Oct-Mar
Time: 7pm-4am

Price: 600
Location: Shaking Trees
Months (Northern): All
Months (Southern): All
Time: Any
Banded dragonfly

Price: 4,500
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): May-Oct
Months (Southern): Nov-Apr
Time: 8am-5pm
Bell cricket

Price: 430
Location: Ground
Months (Northern): Sep-Oct
Months (Southern): Mar-Apr
Time: 5pm-8am
Blue weevil beetle

Price: 800
Location: On Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Aug
Months (Southern): Jan-Feb
Time: Any
Brown cicada

Price: 250
Location: On Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Aug
Months (Southern): Jan-Feb
Time: 8am-5pm

Price: 300
Location: Hitting Rocks
Months (Northern): Sep-Jun
Months (Southern): Mar-Dec
Time: 4pm-11pm
Cicada shell

Price: 10
Location: On Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Aug
Months (Southern): Jan-Feb
Time: Any
Citrus long-horned beetle

Price: 350
Location: Stumps
Months (Northern): All
Months (Southern): All
Time: Any
Common bluebottle

Price: 300
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): Apr-Aug
Months (Southern): Nov-Feb
Time: 4am-7pm
Common butterfly

Price: 160
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): Sep-Jun
Months (Southern): Mar-Dec
Time: 4am-7pm

Price: 130
Location: Ground
Months (Northern): Sep-Nov
Months (Southern): Mar-May
Time: 5pm-8am
Cyclommatus stag

Price: 8,000
Location: Coconut Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Aug
Months (Southern): Jan-Feb
Time: 5pm-8am

Price: 500
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): Nov-Feb
Months (Southern): Mar-Aug
Time: Any
Darner dragonfly

Price: 230
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): Apr-Oct
Months (Southern): Oct-Apr
Time: 8am-5pm
Diving beetle

Price: 800
Location: Water
Months (Northern): May-Sep
Months (Southern): Nov-Feb
Time: 8am-7pm
Drone beetle

Price: 200
Location: Trees
Months (Northern): Jun-Aug
Months (Southern): Dec-Feb
Time: Any
Dung beetle

Price: 3,000
Location: Ground (snowballs)
Months (Northern): Dec-Feb
Months (Southern): Jun-Aug
Time: Any
Earth-boring dung beetle

Price: 300
Location: Ground
Months (Northern): Jul-Sep
Months (Southern): Jan-Mar
Time: Any
Emperor butterfly

Price: 4,000
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): Jun-Sep, Dec-Mar
Months (Southern): Dec-Mar, Jun-Sep
Time: 5pm-8am
Evening cicada

Price: 550
Location: Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Aug
Months (Southern): Jan-Feb
Time: 4am-8am, 4pm-7pm

Price: 300
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): Jun
Months (Southern): Dec
Time: 7pm-4am

Price: 70
Location: Villagers
Months (Northern): Apr-Nov
Months (Southern): Oct-May
Time: Any

Price: 60
Location: Trash
Months (Northern): All
Months (Southern): All
Time: Any
Giant cicada

Price: 500
Location: Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Aug
Months (Southern): Jan-Feb
Time: 8am-5pm
Giant stag

Price: 10,000
Location: Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Aug
Months (Southern): Jan-Feb
Time: 11pm-8am
Giant water bug

Price: 2,000
Location: Water
Months (Northern): Apr-Sep
Months (Southern): Oct-Mar
Time: 7pm-8am
Giraffe stag

Price: 12,000
Location: Coconut Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Aug
Months (Southern): Jan-Feb
Time: 5pm-8am
Golden stag

Price: 12,000
Location: Coconut Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Aug
Months (Southern): Jan-Feb
Time: 5pm-8am
Goliath beetle

Price: 8,000
Location: Coconut Trees
Months (Northern): Jun-Sep
Months (Southern): Dec-Mar
Time: 5pm-8am

Price: 160
Location: Ground
Months (Northern): Jul-Sep
Months (Southern): Jan-Mar
Time: 8am-5pm
Great purple emperor

Price: 3,000
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): May-Aug
Months (Southern): Nov-Feb
Time: 4am-7pm
Hermit crab

Price: 1,000
Location: Beach
Months (Northern): All
Months (Southern): All
Time: 7pm-8am

Price: 200
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): Mar-Jul
Months (Southern): Sep-Jan
Time: 8am-5pm
Horned atlas

Price: 8,000
Location: Coconut Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Aug
Months (Southern): Jan-Feb
Time: 5pm-8am
Horned dynastid

Price: 1,350
Location: Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Aug
Months (Southern): Jan-Feb
Time: 5pm-8am
Horned elephant

Price: 8,000
Location: Coconut Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Aug
Months (Southern): Jan-Feb
Time: 5pm-8am
Horned hercules

Price: 12,000
Location: Coconut Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Aug
Months (Southern): Jan-Feb
Time: 5pm-8am
Jewel beetle

Price: 2,400
Location: Stumps
Months (Northern): Apr-Aug
Months (Southern): Oct-Feb
Time: Any

Price: 200
Location: Flowers
Months (Northern): Mar-Jun, Oct
Months (Southern): Apr, Sep-Dec
Time: 8am-5pm
Long locust

Price: 200
Location: Ground
Months (Northern): Apr-Nov
Months (Southern): Oct-May
Time: 8am-7pm
Madagascan sunset moth

Price: 2,500
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): Apr-Sep
Months (Southern): Oct-Mar
Time: 8am-4pm
Man-faced stink bug

Price: 1,000
Location: Flowers
Months (Northern): Mar-Oct
Months (Southern): Sep-Apr
Time: 7pm-8am

Price: 430
Location: Flowers
Months (Northern): Mar-Nov
Months (Southern): Nov-Aug
Time: 8am-5pm
Migratory locust

Price: 600
Location: Ground
Months (Northern): Aug-Nov
Months (Southern): Feb-May
Time: 8am-7pm
Miyama stag

Price: 1,000
Location: Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Aug
Months (Southern): Jan-Feb
Time: Any
Mole cricket

Price: 500
Location: Underground
Months (Northern): Nov-May
Months (Southern): May-Nov
Time: Any
Monarch butterfly

Price: 140
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): Sep-Nov
Months (Southern): Mar-May
Time: 4am-5pm

Price: 120
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): Jun-Sep
Months (Southern): Dec-Mar
Time: 5pm-4am

Price: 130
Location: Flying (light)
Months (Northern): All
Months (Southern): All
Time: 7pm-4am
Orchid mantis

Price: 2,400
Location: Flowers (white)
Months (Northern): Mar-Nov
Months (Southern): Sep-May
Time: 8am-5pm
Paper kite butterfly

Price: 1,000
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): All
Months (Southern): All
Time: 8am-7pm
Peacock butterfly

Price: 2,500
Location: Flowers (hybrid)
Months (Northern): Mar-Jun
Months (Southern): Sep-Dec
Time: 4am-7pm
Pill bug

Price: 250
Location: Hitting Rocks
Months (Northern): Sep-Jun
Months (Southern): Mar-Dec
Time: 11pm-4pm

Price: 130
Location: Water
Months (Northern): May-Sep
Months (Southern): Nov-Mar
Time: 8am-7pm
Queen Alexandria's birdwing

Price: 4,000
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): May-Sep
Months (Southern): Nov-Mar
Time: 8am-4pm
Rainbow stag

Price: 6,000
Location: Trees
Months (Northern): Jun-Sep
Months (Southern): Dec-Mar
Time: 7pm-8am
Rajah Brooke's birdwing

Price: 2,500
Location: Flowers (hybrid)
Months (Northern): Apr-Sep, Dec-Feb
Months (Southern): Oct-Mar, Jun-Aug
Time: 8am-5pm
Red dragonfly

Price: 180
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): Sep-Oct
Months (Southern): Mar-Apr
Time: 8am-7pm
Rice grasshopper

Price: 160
Location: Ground
Months (Northern): Aug-Nov
Months (Southern): Feb-May
Time: 8am-7pm
Robust cicada

Price: 300
Location: Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Aug
Months (Southern): Jan-Feb
Time: 8am-5pm
Rosalia batesi beetle

Price: 3,000
Location: Stumps
Months (Northern): May-Sep
Months (Southern): Nov-Mar
Time: Any
Saw stag

Price: 2,000
Location: Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Aug
Months (Southern): Jan-Feb
Time: Any
Scarab beetle

Price: 10,000
Location: Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Aug
Months (Southern): Jan-Feb
Time: 11pm-8am

Price: 8,000
Location: Ground
Months (Northern): May-Oct
Months (Southern): Nov-Apr
Time: 7pm-4am

Price: 250
Location: Rocks, Bushes (rain)
Months (Northern): All
Months (Southern): All
Time: Any

Price: 600
Location: Shaking Trees
Months (Northern): All
Months (Southern): All
Time: 7pm-8am

Price: 120
Location: Flowers
Months (Northern): Mar-Oct
Months (Southern): Sep-Apr
Time: Any

Price: 8,000
Location: Ground
Months (Northern): Nov-Apr
Months (Southern): May-Oct
Time: 7pm-4am
Tiger beetle

Price: 1,500
Location: Ground
Months (Northern): Feb-Oct
Months (Southern): Aug-Apr
Time: Any
Tiger butterfly

Price: 240
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): Mar-Sep
Months (Southern): Sep-Mar
Time: 4am-7pm
Violin beetle

Price: 450
Location: Stumps
Months (Northern): May-Jun, Sep-Nov
Months (Southern): Mar-May, Nov-Dec
Time: Any
Walker cicada

Price: 400
Location: Trees
Months (Northern): Aug-Sep
Months (Southern): Feb-Mar
Time: 8am-5pm
Walking leaf

Price: 600
Location: Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Sep
Months (Southern): Jan-Mar
Time: Any
Walking stick

Price: 600
Location: Trees
Months (Northern): Jul-Nov
Months (Southern): Jan-May
Time: 4am-8am, 5pm-7pm

Price: 2,500
Location: Shaking Trees
Months (Northern): All
Months (Southern): All
Time: Any
Wharf roach

Price: 200
Location: Beach Rocks
Months (Northern): All
Months (Southern): All
Time: Any
Yellow butterfly

Price: 160
Location: Flying
Months (Northern): Mar-Jun, Sep-Oct
Months (Southern): Mar-Apr, Sep-Dec
Time: 4am-7pm
Thanks for using our Animal Crossing New Horizons bug catching guide!